Thursday, February 24, 2011


Proverbs 9:4 “Let all who are simple come in here!” 
she says to those who lack judgment. 
5 “Come, eat my food
and drink the wine I have mixed. 
6 Leave your simple ways and you will live;
walk in the way of understanding. 
Wisdom is calling, all who are listening. She is calling the simple, the ones who lack judgment to come and dine with her. She has commanded the ignorant to leave ingnorance and come to the way of understanding.
How long will we believe that "ignorance is bliss"!? Isn't it time we chose to leave the ways of our youth..the simpleton mindset of our past? When we decide to continue to life in what we call "bliss", we become foolish, we lack truth, knowledge and understanding. I no longer want to resort to my simple ways. I welcome wisdom, I welcome sound judgment. I will sit down and dine.
Lord..Oh Lord,
How many times I have wanted to resort to responding/reacting in a immature manner? How many times I have chosen to be deceived by the adulteress? No longer do I want to be distracted off the path of wisdom. Lord keep my eyes focused..protect me from the distractions. Give me wisdom, understanding, truth, and knowledge. Set me free from the desires of my youth. I am ready to GROW UP! =)

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