Job 14-16
I know normally I start off with what was Rhema to me, then I interpret it, Commit to it, and Exalt. This time, while reading Job 14-16, something hit me...Rhema of the character of Job. I've been reading Job for the past few days, and this man was in agony. Here is a man covered in sores, just lost his family, his servants, and his animals..crying out to God, "why?!?". As he is crying out to God, God doesn't answer him. Instead Job has 3 men giving him lengthy explanations as to why this is happening to him. They are almost convince Job has committed some sort of sin to bring this upon himself. However Job is "blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil" (Job 1:1 and Job 1:8). He committed to God wholeheartedly.
Yet here he was, feeling abandoned, confused, and heartache. What did Job do to deserve this? Job questions the reason behind his suffering, all awhile remaining faithful to God, not cursing His name, as Satan said he would in Job 1:11 and 2:5.
Reading his story bring me close to tears, I don't know what I would have done if I felt his pain, his agony, his confusion. It made me realize I need Job-like faith. I WANT to have Job-like faith. Job praised God in times of personal darkness. Through everything he went through his love for God, his fear of God, his faith in God never wavered.
Lord God,
First and foremost, thank You for sending Your son to earth to become that mediator, that arbitrator and connecting bridge between You and I. I also want to thank You for sending your Holy Spirit to us, so that we have a Comforter in times of personal darkness. Lord, I pray that continuously remind me of Job's faith. His faith was sooo strong, even when he was emotionally and physically weak. Teach me Lord to have that type of faith.
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