Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Humble your Boastfulness

Lamentations 1-2; Obadiah 1; Revelation 14

Obadiah 1:3 The pride of your heart has deceived you,
you who live in the clefts of the rocks [a]
and make your home on the heights,
you who say to yourself,
'Who can bring me down to the ground?'

4 Though you soar like the eagle
and make your nest among the stars,
from there I will bring you down,"
declares the LORD.

The Edomites held themselves high on a pedestal, thinking they were better than the people of Jerusalem during the attacks of the Babylonians. God says that their pride was getting the best of them and they were being deceived. God declares that while they are on their "high", He was going to bring them down. Humble them.

It is very common for there to be "prideful" Christians. It is important to remember that although we are currently not being punished by God, it does not mean we have a right to take the glory in our enemies shortcomings. It is not biblical. I will look at things with a humble heart.

Heavenly Father,
I ask you to humble my heart and keep me there. Lord, I know how easy it is for us to become boastful and take pride in your grace, however, I pray that I am reminded of the people of Edom and that I do not let pride take over.

1 comment:

A Young said...

what an awesome word that God wants to speak to you about... this is definately how we can get closer to God.

oh, and your blog looks good. =)